All categories are intended to align with the priorities under Clinical Preventive Services in Our Health, Our Future | Tri-County Health Improvement Plan 2018 - 2023.
Cancer screenings/Awareness
diabetes prevention
SC DHEC - Public Health Clinics
Please call (855) 472-3432 or use Webchat before visiting these locations to make sure they offer the immunization services you need and to schedule your appointment.
Free/sliding scale immunization clinics
Local pharmacies
These locations do not offer free vaccinations to individuals with Medicaid - only individuals with commercial insurance are eligible for coverage.
quick links
Need additional info? View our Other Online Hubs page or click on these great resources below!
If you cannot find the resources you need or would like to speak with someone, Dial 2-1-1 or Click Below to visit SC211.org:
Have suggested edits or general feedback? Please email htcsupport@tuw.org and we will follow up with you!
Neither Healthy Tri-County, nor its members or representatives, endorse or in any way guarantee the products, services, or care provided by any resources listed or linked to, and shall not be held liable for any action taken by, in coordination with, or on behalf of those resources.
Last updated: 5/10/20
Healthy Tri-County is a
multi-sector regional initiative to improve health outcomes in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties in South Carolina.
All Rights Reserved.