Maternal, Infant & Child Health

After the launch of Healthy Tri-County (HTC) in January 2017, HTC workgroup members completed a number of activities to identify the health topics that should be prioritized for the Tri-County Health Improvement Plan (TCHIP). Some these activities included data walks, surveys, community conversations and collection of provider data from community data systems. The result was the identification of the following as the prioritized TCHIP health topics: 1) Access to Care; 2) Behavioral Health; 3) Clinical Preventative Services; 4) Obesity, Nutrition & Physical Activity; and 5) Maternal, Infant and Child Health. Community indicators and project outcomes are displayed on the Results Scorecards for each topic.

The TCHIP is still in development, so the current version(s) of the TCHIP Results Scorecards are for demonstration purposes only and will be updated once the plan is finalized. However, even after the plan is finalized, as part of a continual continuous quality improvement (CQI) process, TCHIP indicators and performance measures are subject to change, based on the growth and development of the TCHIP.

Please contact with any questions you may have about TCHIP results.